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Mar 21, 2013 @ 06:55 PM

I was using JBidwatcher successfully and then had some computer issues. Now I can't get it to open when i click on the doesn't open at all....I have tried uninstalling and re installing and to no avail....still won't open...can anyone help me get it going again?

  1. 1 Posted by dw on Mar 23, 2013 @ 12:26 PM

    dw's Avatar

    please let us know your computer environment (windows/mac/java version)

  2. 2 Posted by Carole Weaks on Mar 23, 2013 @ 06:37 PM

    Carole Weaks's Avatar

    Hi, I have windows 7 and explorer 9. A month ago I had some issues and they
    are now resolved, but I can't get Jbidwatcher to start up. And I have
    uninstalled and reinstalled and it still won't start up.
    Thanks for you help,

    Please view my website to see my current inventory!

  3. 3 Posted by dw on Mar 24, 2013 @ 07:19 AM

    dw's Avatar

    Hi Carole,

    please check if you have a recent version of JAVA installed.

    You can verify this if you find a JAVA control panel in the location where you configure other Windows settings, or by going to and click on the button "Verify Java Version".

    If there is no JAVA installed, jbidwatcher will not run. So you must install JAVA first - also available from



  4. 4 Posted by Carole Weaks on Mar 25, 2013 @ 03:13 AM

    Carole Weaks's Avatar

    Hi again, I just uninstalled and then downloaded the new Java, and works. Thanks so much worked!!!!

    Please view my website to see my current inventory!

  5. 5 Posted by Carole Weaks on Mar 25, 2013 @ 04:37 AM

    Carole Weaks's Avatar

    It is up and running, but there are no not having it work
    at all....I really missed the program.

    Please view my website to see my current inventory!

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